About The Creator and Genesis

The Creator is Beyond Our Comprehension in His Capabilities
The Creator has a mind far beyond that of Einstein and poetic sensibilities far beyond that of Shakespeare. So, that is why it would seem appropriate to interpret Genesis 1 based on our Creator using any of these abilities – scientific, poetic, psychological, or any of the other myriad of possible facets. To be able to present a multi-faceted story that fulfills these different approaches is not beyond the abilities of our Creator. And in terms of what has happened over these past 13 billion years, our Creator is the only One who was witness to all of the steps and stages of creation. So, only He is the perfect one to describe it in this multi-faceted manner.
It Makes Sense Then That Genesis 1 Can Be Viewed From Multiple Perspectives
This website of course takes the perspective that the Creator of our vast and beautiful universe is the ultimate author of Genesis chapter 1, the first chapter in the Bible. The Creator is the great I AM who is presented throughout the Bible. As the Creator, He is also the greatest scientist, the greatest poet, the greatest historian, the greatest psychologist, and the greatest lover of our souls that we could ever imagine. From the perspective of this website, the Creator took over 13 billion years to prepare humanity for the time in which we are living. And from the perspective of this website, the Creator making human beings in His image was one of the crowning purposes of His creation. It would make sense, then, that when the Creator provided a brief creation story in Genesis 1 that there could be multiple levels of meaning to the story. It would make sense that the Creator would tell the story poetically in a way that would satisfy some of the deepest needs of our hearts. It would make sense that the Creator would tell the story scientifically so that at this time in history when science has matured greatly that we could see the beautiful harmony between the science and the Scriptures. It would make sense that the Creator would tell the story with deep psychological insights into how to conduct our lives with each other and with the rest of His creation. And that we could then look back over history and see that when believers truly follow the wisdom of the Bible that their lives showcase the goodness and peace of the Creator.
So, we believe that it is good to keep this perspective in mind when thinking about Genesis 1. Genesis 1 can be read in a scientific way, in a poetic way, or in a way that is providing guidance for keeping the Sabbath, and other ways as well. It is still consistent with the nature of the many facets of our Creator God, the great I AM.