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In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 NIV)

Scientists understandably cannot say much about God directly because this Creator of the universe is beyond direct observation. This is why it is God Himself who must reveal Himself to us in order for us to know Him. Scientists can only observe and study the wonders of the creation.
It is God who has always existed, the great I AM. He existed before the beginning of our universe. This is why we put this frame first, even though it does not follow exactly the word sequence in the first verse of Genesis (the word sequence is dictated by how grammar worked in ancient Hebrew). Following Jewish practices, we use the name of G-d here, recognizing that from a religious as well as a scientific standpoint, our Creator is far, far above what we can fully understand or imagine. From a religious standpoint, this is one of the many reasons that we call G-d holy.